The right project at the right time


Many of us come up with far, far too many ideas to ever get done in our careers. So how do you choose which to work on?

Some of this selection process comes down to timing. It sounds a little obvious to say it but you need to be selecting the right project at the right time.

The wrong project is usually easy enough to spot (saying no can be a different story). The right project at the wrong time is harder to say no to but in some ways more important.

If you work on the right project at the wrong time and don’t get the result that you’re looking for you can conclude that the project itself was the wrong thing to do.

Then if you get to the point where it is the right time for this idea you might not go ahead because you had a bad experience the last time you tried this. Missing out on the right project at the right time really isn't something you want to do.


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The back catalogue of useful ideas to help you do more of the work you want to do, the way you want to do it (and not the stuff you don’t).


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"If you have a problem, if no-one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire..."

I'm not the A-Team, but if you do have a problem you think I can help you with please send me a message and we'll take things from there.

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